Software 43035 Published by

EncodeHD has been released

EncodeHD is a an application to re-encode all types of video files for use on your home media player or on-the-go device. It aims to provide a simple interface with no fuss, and give you the best speed possible without compromising on quality. The following output device types are supported:

Apple TV
BlackBerry (8100) Pearl
BlackBerry (8200) Kickstart
BlackBerry (8300) Curve
BlackBerry (8700) Electron
BlackBerry (8800) Indigo
BlackBerry (8900) Javelin
BlackBerry (9000) Bold
BlackBerry (9500) Storm
iPod 5G
iPod Classic
iPod Nano
iPod Touch
Nokia E71
Playstation 3
T-Mobile G1
Western Digital TV
X-Box 360
Youtube HD
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7 | Size: 5.55 MB]