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Mikhailtech has posted an EPoX 8K5A2+ KT333 Motherboard review

Even though the socket placement and orientation has remained the same as on the 8K3A, the power circuitry has changed very much. First of all, the board uses the same 3 Phase Power cooling, but now there are no more MOFSETs on the back of the board, all have moved to the upper side. The number of capacitors has changed and now bigger ones are used for increased power stability. And EPoX succeeded in making the power scheme on the 8K5A even better than anything before, the CPU voltage is now closer to the nominal value and more stable, thus making for better stability even if the CPU is heavily overclocked. Even the 5V line is now more stable and the voltage on this line is higher that it was on the old 8K3A.
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