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Mikhailtech has posted a FanStorm Deluxe Fan Controller Kit review

Interesting is the way the FanStorm modulates the fan speed. Usually units like this use resistors to cut the voltage of the current supplied to the fan. This obviously works, but it produces a certain amount of heat. Not a lot, sure, but that’s one more heat source inside a case that already has to cool down a CPU that everyday looks more like a blast furnace. Not a smart idea! Way better is the method the guys at FanStorm came up with: “pulse width technology”. This fully microprocessor guided system supposedly provides the usual 12V current to the fan not at a continuous rate, but in impulses so that the fan is actually powered only for a certain percentage of time, that varies following the temperature of the thermistor. When current arrives, the fan accelerates a bit, and when power is cut the fan slows down a bit. Since the fan has a certain inertia, the rotating speed stays about the same, and it can be modified by the number of impulses per second it receives.
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