Software 43035 Published by

FastPictureViewer 1.0.0 (Build 116) has been released

FastPictureViewer is a small and very fast application, so simple that it's purpose might not be immediately apparent. As a minimalist picture viewer, the program is optimized to do just one task: browse entire folders of digital photos in the shortest possible amount of time, while allowing for quick sharpness checks by instant flipping to 100% view and enabling single-click, fast copy of the keepers to a preset folder and single-keystroke Adobe XMP rating/labeling. That's about it. Of course FastPictureViewer can also be used for speed-browsing, rating or labeling an existing picture collection, but it does not offer any image editing, enhancing or cataloging function.

The entry-level, free-to-try Home Basic edition supports JPEG and the new Microsoft HD Photo (*.hdp, *.wdp) image file format along with Adobe XMP metadata for rating and labels, in embedded and/or sidecar file form, and DirectX hardware acceleration on select graphic cards.

This product was inspired by a 2004 article by Eamon Hickey published on Rob Galbraith's DPI website about Sports Illustrated's unbelievable digital workflow. The article is an amazing read for sports photographers and photo enthusiasts alike, it also helps understand the motivation behind the creation of FastPictureViewer and some of its design choices. Very recommended.
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7 | Size: 4.32 MB]