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OCC has published a new review of the Foxconn Mars

One area that I was especially impressed with was the ease with which a failed overclock recovered. I found myself pushing so far out of bounds that the hardware had no chance of booting. Boot to a few warning beeps, a shut down and presto, a perfect boot at the default processor and memory settings. Not once did it fail to recover. That's huge in my book. Speaking of overclocking, I was able to push the FSB threshhold 3 MHz higher than my previous best with my trusty Q6600. The other side of that is that in raw processor speed, I was able to achieve 3760MHz, which is 160MHz higher than I had been able to get stable before working with the MARS. The Gladiator BIOS is easy to navigate through with the extreme voltage limits clearly marked. As you reach a level that is considered dangerous, the color of the measurement changes from white to red to let you know you are in the high end of the voltage range.
Foxconn Mars Review