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Just received the follow news from C&A:

Free Digital Certificates from C&A to sign and encrypt using SignStation.

The developers of SignStation – digital signature and cryptography application successfully extended between Windows OS users – had implemented on its web site a new free Digital Certificate’s request service.

Once filled the certificate’s request form, the user will receive by email the demo Personal Certificates that allows to sign, encrypt, verify and decrypt any kind of files using SignStation (that can also be downloaded on the C&A web site).

SignStation allows applying multiple signatures to a document, a useful functionality for those organizations in which a document must have a verifiable validation flow.
In this times when the privacy of personal and organization data is one of the main troubles for PC users, SignStation functionalities of asymmetric encryption increase the security level of confidential documents protecting its contents from unauthorized access.

For more info visit the C&A web: