Software 43037 Published by

Thanks Rami. FreePOPs 0.0.16 has been released

FreePOPs is an easily extensible program, which allows to have an access to the most varied resources through the POP3 protocol.

Mainly, it can be used to download mail from the most famous webmails, but it could also be used as an aggregator for RSS feeds and many more. This way it is possible to get all your messages in your favourite email client.

Supported webmails and resources include:
- Gmail
- Hotmail (and company: msn, compaq, etc...)
- Yahoo (com, ca, it)
- Lycos (for many countries)
- AOL (for many countries)
- Squirrelmail
- RSS Aggregator
- and others

For a complete list of supported domains, check the Plugin list:

New in v0.0.16:
- New: Yahoo plugin
- New: AOL plugin
- New: Lycos plugin
- Fixed: Gmail plugin (a post v0.0.16 patch is also available)
- Fixed: Other bugs

Website & download: