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SubZeroTech has posted a new Review "FrozenCPU Universal PSU Sleeving Kit".

Day in and day out, people are making an effort to better cool their PCs. What better way to help this then by increasing airflow? As you should know, air travel better over round things then something square. An example would a stock car, you won?t seen and squared edges, because airflow is vital, as it is in PCs as well (unless you watercool). So what products can help you increase airflow? High powered fans, are the direction some people go, sure these can push a lot of air, but with them brings A LOT of noise. Rounded cables, are nothing new, but are used in most cases today since air travels much better around a rounded cable than a flat ribbon cable. Loom, is another product that has hit the ?modding? scene lately and is another air flow increaser. Loom was first designed for automotive use, and now is used heavily under the hoods of PCs. A few last products that have also been used heavily would be heatshrink and sleeving. The general idea of this combination would be that you sleeve the wiring with the sleeving and use the heatshrink to hold down the often fringed ends. Today we will be looking at a Universal PSU Sleeving Kit from FrozenCPU. FrozenCPU has always been known for high quality products, but with this Universal Kit end up a Universal Disaster? Lets find out.
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