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APH Networks takes a look at the Func sUrface 1030 Archetype MBA Custom Mousing Surface

Although the Func sUrface 1030 Archetype has already been one of our favorite mousing surfaces for quite a while. To be honest, there's only two out of all the ones we've reviewed so far that we really like -- and we've tested over a dozen mousepads in all. This is one of our favorites, while our other equally liked pad is the Hybrid from XTracPads. There's one thing that's always good but doesn't occur too often: when the best gets better. Although our "new" Func sUrface 1030 Archetype is not a complete structural overhaul, the whole custom surface idea is definitely a cool enough concept to make you just want to buy (Or rebuy) one. A Func sUrface 1030 Archetype with a custom surface design! A very logical question then arises: Are we re-reviewing the Func sUrface 1030 Archetype today? The answer is a simple "Yes". I've received a lot of feedback and it seems many of our APH readers want to know how our longtime favorite Archetype steps up against other mousepads under our new proprietary mousepad rating format. And our Func sUrface 1030 Archetype MBA custom gives us a very good incentive to do so. Let's see what we can come up with an entire new look at the Func sUrface 1030 Archetype over at APH Networks Reviews.
Func sUrface 1030 Archetype MBA Custom Mousing Surface Review