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PC Apex have a new review up on a HDTV card from DVico

The big advantage I see with a HTPC over set-top DVR's is the ability to upgrade easily. When my Series 2 TiVo (with a lifetime service contract) recently started acting up, I was forced to replace the hard drive. Something I would not suggest for the novice computer user. But eventually my trusty Series 2 is going to go completely belly up and my lifetime service contract will go with it. I needed options and considering the rate at which I upgrade my computer, building a HTPC with last years parts was a very attractive option. Cruising the SnapStream (BeyondTV) web site, I noticed a HD capture card in one of their bundles and decided to contact the maker directly. I talked to a very nice woman by the name of Carol Wong and a short time later I had a Dvico FusionHTDV5 Gold Plus TV Capture Card delivered to my door.
FusionHDTV5 RT Gold Card Review