The Guru of 3D posted a review on the GeForce 7600GT, 7900 GT & 7900 GTX graphic cards
So this preview/review will cover a batch of NVIDIA's hottest and latest graphics cards. What we'll be looking at today are the following:GeForce 7600GT, 7900 GT & 7900 GTX Review
2x GeForce 7900 GTX (Single & SLI)
2x GeForce 7900 GT (Single & SLI)
2x GeForce 7600 GT (Single & SLI)
With that being said, allow me to startup this review by talking you through what exactly the new product line entails, the technology, its prices, power consumption, a nice photo shoot, benchmarks, overclocking and of course a verdict on this lovely Brady bunch of products.