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Neoseeker has published a review of Gigabyte's 8N-SLI Royal board.

This board is extremely overclocking friendly.

Even using fairly aggressive memory timings, our P4-560 immediately ran at default voltage settings at a multiplier of 14 with a 1066Mhz FSB - running the CPU at 3.73Ghz.

The memory bandwidth showed an impressive 30% gain in moving from a 3.6Ghz CPU clock with 800Mhz FSB to a 3.73Mhz CPU clock with a 1066Mhz FSB. Given that the processor was only overclocked by 3.6%, and the bus by 33.3%, it is safe to say that the vast majority of the increased performance for Sandra was due to the higher bus bandwidth.
Neoseeker Gigabyte 8N-SLI Royal Review