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Gom Player has been released

Gom Player is a multimedia player which can play most of the differently encoded video formats that include AVI, DAT, MPEG, DivX, XviD, and plus more) with its own built-in codec system.

GOM can also play video files that are being downloded from the Internet or that are broken during the downloading process.

Here are some key features of Gom Player:

# GOM Player supports most of the condecs (AVI, DAT, MPEG, DivX, and plus more) by its own embedded codec system that you won't have to look for appropriate codecs everytime when you can't play a certain video format.
# With GOM, you'll experience something you've never seen in the past with other media players.
# GOM supports all kinds of features for highly advanced users who desire to watch video clips at the best quality.
# GOM is also able to play incomplete or damaged AVI file by skipping the damaged frames. And it can also playback Locked Media Files while downloading or sharing (with real-time index rebuilding under certain condition: AVI downloading in consecutive order).
# GOM also supports HTTP Streaming ASF/OGG/MP3/AAC/MPEG PS/MPEG TS: Only work with internal splitters).
# GOM also support its own skins, Subtitle, Overlay Mixer features, Optimized buffer for streaming Automatic ASF source filter, Keys Remapping, Superspeed/High Mode, Enhanced Filter Rendering and full-Unicode.
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win XP/2K/2003 | Size: 5.86 MB]