Software 43008 Published by

Google Chrome 6.0.472.62 has been released. Other new software:

- User Profile Hive Cleanup Service 1.6g
- TCP Optimizer 3.0.5
- FeedDemon Pre-Release
- ExtractNow 4.5.0
- CrystalDiskInfo 3.8.0c
- GPU Caps Viewer 1.9.2
- EMCO UnLock IT 3.0
- Predator
- 3d Traceroute
- SPlayer 3.6 Build 1543
- FeedGhost

Google Chrome 6.0.472.62
Google Chrome: a new web browser for Windows

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier

Search from the address bar
Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages.

Thumbnails of your top sites
Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab.

Private browsing
Open an incognito window when you don't want to save your browsing history.

[License: Freeware| Requires: Win7/Vista/XP | Size: 19.5 MB]
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User Profile Hive Cleanup Service 1.6g
The User Profile Hive Cleanup service helps to ensure user sessions are completely terminated when a user logs off. System processes and applications occasionally maintain connections to registry keys in the user profile after a user logs off. In those cases the user session is prevented from completely ending. This can result in problems when using Roaming User Profiles in a server environment or when using locked profiles as implemented through the Shared Computer Toolkit for Windows XP.

On Windows 2000 you can benefit from this service if the application event log shows event id 1000 where the message text indicates that the profile is not unloading and that the error is Access is denied. On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 either event ids 1517 and 1524 indicate the same profile unload problem.

To accomplish this the service monitors for logged off users that still have registry hives loaded. When that happens the service determines which application have handles opened to the hives and releases them. It logs the application name and what registry keys were left open. After this the system finishes unloading the profile.

[License: Freeware| Requires: Win XP/2K/2003 | Size: 329 KB]
Read more TCP Optimizer 3.0.5
The TCP Optimizer is a free, easy Windows program that provides an intuitive interface for tuning and optimizing your Internet connection. There is no installation required, just download and run.

The program can aid both the novice and the advanced user in tweaking related TCP/IP parameters in the Windows Registry, making it easy to tune your system to the type of Internet connection used. The tool uses advanced algorithms, and the bandwidth*delay product to find the best TCP Window for your specific connection speed. It provides for easy tuning of all related TCP/IP parameters, such as MTU, RWIN, and even advanced ones like QoS and ToS/Diffserv prioritization. The program works with all current versions of Windows, and includes additional tools, such as testing average latency over multiple hosts, and finding the largest possible packet size (MTU).

The TCP Optimizer is targeted towards broadband internet connections, however it can be helpful with tuning any internet connection type, from dialup to Gigabit+ :):

[License: Freeware| Requires: Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7 | Size: 640 KB]
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FeedDemon Pre-Release
FeedDemon enables you to quickly explore the world of RSS from your desktop without having to visit hundreds of sites. Written by Nick Bradbury, creator of TopStyle and HomeSite, FeedDemon makes RSS as easy to access as your email.

Basically, RSS is a simple format used to syndicate regularly updated content. For example, sites such as SlashDot and Wired offer RSS feeds of their articles, news agencies such as the BBC use RSS to syndicate news stories, and hundreds of bloggers use RSS to expose their thoughts to a wider audience.

[License: Freeware| Requires: Win All | Size: 3.71 MB]
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ExtractNow 4.5.0
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple archives with the ease of a singular button. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, amp; JAR file formats.

Main Features:
- Supports ZIP, RAR, ISO, BIN, IMG, IMA, IMZ, 7Z, ACE, JAR, GZ, LZH, LHA, SIT archive formats
- Drag and drop files or folders from Windows Explorer to extract them
- Simple user interface and sleek design in a small package
- Recursively search through folders for archives (Just drag and drop them)
- Delete files or close program after extraction options
- Windows explorer file associations for all supported archive types
- Extract files into current directory, named folder, or favorite folder of choice
- System tray icon on Minimize and Always on top features
- Integrates with Windows Explorer via special context menu items

[License: Freeware| Requires: Win XP/2003/Vista/Windows7 | Size: 1.71 MB]
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CrystalDiskInfo 3.8.0c
CrystalDiskInfo is a HDD health monitoring utility. It displays basic HDD information, monitors S.M.A.R.T. values and disk temperature.

[License: Freeware| Requires: Win7/Vista/XP | Size: 2.33 MB]
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GPU Caps Viewer 1.9.2
GPU Caps Viewer is an OpenGL graphics card utility for Windows XP and Vista (32/64-bit). This tool offers the following features:

- quick view of the graphics configuration (graphics card / GPU type, amount of video memory, drivers version)
- display of the main OpenGL capabilities (OpenGL version, texture size, number of texture units, etc.)
- display of OpenCL API support and extensions.
- display of the OpenGL extensions supported by your graphics card or display of all existing OpenGL extensions no matter what graphics card you have. For each extension, you can open its description webpage available at the OpenGL Extension Registry or at NVIDIA's OpenGL Extensions spec. Very handy for graphics developers!
- display of NVIDIA CUDA level support
- display of the system configuration: CPU type and speed, amount of systeme memory, operating system, PhysX version
- display of the GPU core temperature
- GPU Burner or Stability Test: allows to overheat the GPU in order to test the graphics card stability. You can start several stress test demos in the same time in order to make your graphics card working to the maximum.
list of links related to your graphics card: graphics drivers and graphics cards reviews. These links are regularly updated.
- full report in text and XML format. This kind of report is useful for developers who needs an outline of the customer graphics system (for support purposes for example).
- graphics card validation: your graphics card data is sent to oZone3D.Net server and in return you receive a link on the validation web page. You can use that validation in benchmarks or to help graphics applications developers to solve specific problems. See this page for further explanation.

[License: Freeware| Requires: Win7/Vista/XP | Size: 3.64 MB]
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EMCO UnLock IT 3.0
Aneat free utility that helps you to take control of any file or folder when it is locked by some application or system. For every locked resource, you get a list of locking processes and can unlock it by terminating those processes. EMCO Unlock IT offers Windows Explorer integration that allows unlocking files and folders by one click in the context menu.

You can't change, move or delete a file because Windows says that it is used by another application? This is a typical situation when it's hard to decide what to do without additional assistance. Windows only suggests closing all applications that may be using the file, but it's not clear what specific applications are meant. Often, a computer reboot is the only way out in such a situation, but, in some cases, even a reboot cannot resolve the problem. What to do in this case? Is there any effective method of handling locked files and folders without a reboot?

EMCO Unlock IT was created to reveal the magic of file and folder locking. First of all, for every locked resource, it enables you to see a list of processes that control it. Having detailed information about the processes, you can identify respective applications and close them down in a natural way by following all required procedures, such as saving opened files, etc. Alternatively, you can force termination of the locking processes directly from EMCO Unlock IT to unlock the resource immediately. This approach can be helpful when you remove any viruses or spyware that grabbed control of your files.
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win7/Vista/XP | Size: 10.4 MB]
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PREDATOR locks your PC when you are away, even if your Windows session is still opened.

It uses a regular USB flash drive as an access control device, and works as follows:

- you insert the USB drive
- you run PREDATOR (autostart with Windows is possible)
you do your work...
- when you're away from your PC, you simply remove the USB drive:
once it is removed, the keyboard and mouse are disabled and the screen darkens
- when you return back to your PC, you put the USB flash drive in place:
keyboard and mouse are immediately released, and the display is restored.

lt;a href= target=_top_gt;Differences between free and pro versions can be seen herelt;/agt;.
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win XP/2003/08/Vista/Windows7 | Size: 1.20 MB]
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3d Traceroute
Replace all your ugly ping plotters and traceroute programs with a full blown three dimensional traceroute program.

And best of all: It's free. No money, no postcards, no beer. Just free.
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win All | Size: 2.217MB]
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SPlayer 3.6 Build 1543
SPlayer is a handy application that was designed in order to help you easily view your videos, images and listen to your music files.


Low consumption:
# Optimization of a variety of creative techniques, smooth playback. Maximize the efficiency are always our mission ...

Easy to use:
# Crafted user experience design. Up to more than 150 unique, small features. devil hidden in the detail is our motto

Extreme compact:
# World's smallest and most sophisticated players, complete installation package only 4M, still as powerful as ever ...

Subtitle matching:
# SPlayer's smart matching can automaticly download the highest quality in English and Chinese subtitles

Exquisite beauty:
# Designer Raven from Milan created a set of interfaces. Beautiful skin can let you feel more comfortable while playing.
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win7/Vista/XP | Size: 6.46 MB]
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The FeedGhost application was developed to be is a RSS reader. This software was coded using C#, Windows Forms, and on the server side, ASP.NET and SQL Server.


# River-of-news or Outlook-style reading.
# Read important articles first with prioritization.

# Tag articles for quick access and later reading.
# Instant article search by keyword.

# Share articles with others in your own link-blog.
# Seamless synchronization across computers.

[License: Freeware| Requires: Win7/Vista/XP | Size: 2.14 MB]
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