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HEUXS has posted day 1 of their Computex coverage:

Our hacks have been exceptionally busy over in Taipei, so we've got a lot of articles for you to check out today. Here's the first of two 'Day 1 coverage' mailings. A link to any you think will interest your readership will be appreciated. Of course, if you are also covering Computex, be sure to send your news our way!

Possible new ATI SKUs

Boards with 1GiB of RAM, 512MiB Radeon X700s and the X550 replacing the X600.
Possible new ATI SKUs

Zalman whips out 'Big-Boy' flower to whip P4 into submission

Nick Haywood writes: "It's long been known that Intel run a little hot, so Zalman have gone extreme with a cooling solution that finally does the biz.
Zalman whips out 'Big-Boy' flower to whip P4 into submission

Dual DVI and passive cooling a way for PowerColor to differentiate

Powercolor seek to produce dual DVI capable cards across their range of Radeon products and also have a new passive cooling solution to show off.
Dual DVI and passive cooling a way for PowerColor to differentiate