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A Microsoft distinguished engineer has provided some crucial information about how the firm intends to extend its dominance in office productivity software to devices in this "mobile first, cloud first" era

From Supersite For Windows:
As you might expect, Microsoft will tailor Office to the platforms it targets, and not offer a lowest-common-denominator experience. But we already knew this. What's really neat about this talk is how effortlessly and pragmatically the firm has moved into this new era.

For me, this one is a little bit personal. When I spoke with Microsoft's Brad Anderson about the firm's mobile device management solutions recently—a discussion that was condensed heavily into the article Microsoft Ideally Situated to Own Mobile Device Management—he was nice enough to tell me that my explanation of Microsoft's strategy in Satya Nadella Explains the "Mobile" in "Mobile First, Cloud First" was exactly right.
  How Microsoft is Taking Office Cross-Platform