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PC Modding Mylaysia has posted an Inno3D Geforce 6800GT review

The Geforce 6800GT is positioned just below Nvidia’s current flagship, the 6800Ultra. Probably the biggest difference between the 6800GT and the 6800U are the core/memory clocks. Everything else from the 6800U remains intact, 16 fully functional pixel pipelines and all – anything the 6800U can do, the 6800GT can too, albeit a little slower (nothing a little overclocking can’t take care of hehehe). There are also some physical differences. While the length of the PCB on both cards is the same, the 6800GT only requires a single slot cooling solution, compared to a double slot cooling solution for its big bro the 6800U. The 6800GT also requires only a single molex connector, compared to 2 for the 6800U.
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