Drivers 2944 Published by

Intel has released the follow driver updates:

Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility 4.10.1012
The Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility was developed for updating Windows* Operating Systems with the Plug and Play feature on Intel chipsets. The Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility is not required or compatible with Operating Systems without the Plug and Play feature, such as Windows* NT* 4.0. This utility allows the operating system to correctly identify the Intel chipset components and properly configure the system. The Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility installs specific Windows INF files. The INF files inform the operating system how to properly configure the chipset for specific functionality, such as AGP, USB, Core PCI, and ISA PnP services.

Intel Application Accelerator 2.3
The Intel:registered: Application Accelerator is a performance software package for Intel desktop PCs.