Intel has released an updated graphics driver for Windows
Netflix* HDR and YouTube* HDR are available for the first-time ever on the PC, on IntelIntel Graphics Driver for Windows 15.60Graphics!
This driver enables the Microsoft Windows10 Fall Creators Update, thereby providing support for users to experience HDR playback & streaming on systems with Intel
UHD Graphics 620 and Intel
HD Graphics 620 or better, enjoyed on HDR capable external monitors and TVs. For more info please see the whitepaper here.
Escape the everyday to a world even beyond your imagination! With Windows* Mixed Reality†, you can explore new worlds, travel to top destinations, play exciting games, lose yourself in the best movies and entertainment and more. With a headset and a Windows* PC powered by a 7th Gen IntelCore
i5 processor with Intel
HD Graphics 620 or better, you can go places you’ve always dreamed - without even leaving home!
This new WDDM 2.3 driver also provides security fixes, support for Wide Color Gamut, enables 10-bit HDR playback over HDMI, and enables video processing and video decode acceleration in DirectX* 12. For a full list of Microsoft Windows10 Fall Creators update features, please see here.
Experience the magic of The LEGONinjago
Video Game on processors with Intel
HD Graphics 620 or better.
Battle singing Orcs and score legendary goals while enjoying performance optimizations and playability improvements in the newly released Middle-earth: Shadow of War* and Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 on IntelIris
Pro Graphics. Take on The Cabal* and keep the enemy in your sights in these newly released, fast action-packed sequels to legendary favorites, Destiny 2*, Call of Duty
: WWII, and Divinity: Original Sin 2* on Intel
Pro Graphics.
Check out the all new look and feel of, where you’ll find recommended game settings for many of your favorite PC games.
Install the IntelDriver & Support Assistant (previously called Intel
Driver Update Utility), which now automatically checks for drivers on a regular basis and can provide notifications when new drivers are available.
†Windows Mixed Reality requires a compatible Windows10 PC and headset, plus the Windows
10 Fall Creators Update; PC requirements may vary for available apps and content.