Intel has released its most powerful processor to date, a new Xeon that takes advantage of technology introduced with earlier, lower-end Pentium III chips.
The new Xeons run at 700 MHz and are built with the cache as part of the chip itself, said Anthony Ambrose, a marketing manager for Intel´s high-end chip group. Earlier Xeons top out at 550 MHz and have a separate and therefore slower cache, the special high-speed memory used to keep the processor fed with data and things to do.
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The new Xeons run at 700 MHz and are built with the cache as part of the chip itself, said Anthony Ambrose, a marketing manager for Intel´s high-end chip group. Earlier Xeons top out at 550 MHz and have a separate and therefore slower cache, the special high-speed memory used to keep the processor fed with data and things to do.
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