Reviews 52266 Published by takes a look at Intel's new consumer-targeted X25-M Solid
State Drive.

Though the migration will be gradual, starting first at the consumer level, then moving into the industrial and enterprise space, it's a matter of time before the world literally goes solid state for its storage. In the short term, especially at the consumer level, the SSD market is expected to have explosive growth over the next year or so, some analysts predicting well in excess of 100% annually. It goes without saying, Solid State Storage is a safe bet.

Today Intel just bellied up to the table and dropped their chips down on the SSD market, and in typical Intel fashion, they're going in big. The following is a full evaluation of Intel's new consumer-targeted X25-M Solid State Drive. Is Intel playing to win? You tell us...
Intel X25-M 80GB SATA Solid State Drive, Intel Ups The Ante