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Everything USB has posted an IO Gear Memory Bank USB 2.0 CF Card Reader review

The Memory Bank 2.0 pulled off about 5MB/s when reading off a batch of MP3 from our Lexar 128MB CF Type I card. To our surprise, the USB 2.0 reader was only able to access Transcend 128MB CF Type I card at half the speed. As for writing speeds, the Lexar 128MB card was also twice as fast as the Trascend's card. We repeated the same tests on an ADS PYRO 1394 Compact Flash Reader, and recorded comparable results. While this is not a media test, this clearly shows card performance varies by different manufacturers, or even by different capacities of the same brand. As this maybe a bit of a shock to MicroDrive owners, the Memory Bank 2.0 doesn't support your high-capacity miniature drives.
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