Software 43037 Published by

Network and Server Uptime/Downtime Monitor.

Network and Server Uptime/Downtime Monitor - monitors a network using various protocols (e.g. ping, http/https, smtp, ftp, pop3, dns,snmp ) and notifies the staff in various ways as soon as an outage occurs. By design IPCheck Server Monitor fills the gap between the small freeware tools that do not monitor thoroughly enough and the expensive management suites that are often very complicated to set up. ** Today almost any business relies more or less on its computer network. From a small company’s local area network for 5 employees to the global network infrastructure of large companies operating world wide with hundreds of computers – if any part of the network is offline the company looses money. This is even more true for web based businesses: if the website is offline the company does not make any money. But the goal of network monitoring is not only to detect a system failure when it happens. To detect problems before they get serious makes it necessary to monitor many systems of your network on various levels. IPCheck Server Monitor monitors your network and will let you know when something serious is happening as quickly as possible.
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win XP/2K/2003 | Size: 17.5 Mb]

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