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Hardware Secrets posted iPod Shuffle 1 GB Review

O.k., we know that iPod shuffle isn't exactly something new – after all it was released 16 months ago. But with the release of the 2 GB model last month the price of the 1 GB dropped dramatically, being easily found for $50 at Apple, BestBuy, Circuit City and In this review we will explore Apple's cheapest iPod to date. iPod shuffle isn't only the cheapest MP3 player from Apple, but also the smallest and lightest, measuring only 1.07" (2.73 cm) x 1.62" (4.12 cm) x 0.41" (1.05 cm) (H x W x D) and weighting only half ounce (15.6 grams), making it the most discreet iPod, which is a very desirable feature if you want to use it for jogging, biking or working out, if you don't want something bulky inside your pocket or if you simply just don't like the idea of flashing your iPod around whenever you want to select a song (this model don't allow you to select any specific song, as it doesn't have an LCD display), what can be dangerous for people walking on an unsafe neighborhood.
iPod Shuffle 1 GB Review