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Sharky Extreme has posted a Iwill KA266-R DDR Motherboard Hands-On Preview.

A few weeks ago, we brought you a preview of the Tyan Trinity A762, an AMD 760 DDR chipset based motherboard. Today, we are bringing you a preview of the Iwill KA266-R motherboard, based on the ALiMAGiK 1 chipset, an Athlon/Duron supporting DDR chipset. Yes, that is correct, the ALiMAGiK 1 chipset. We did not say VIA, we did not say AMD, we said ALi. After skipping the entire Socket A architecture, ALi is back with an AMD chipset, and this time, they support DDR memory. Iwill has worked closely with ALi on their board development and we were lucky enough to be first to get our hands on
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