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Overclocked Cafe take a look at Iwill's i845 based P4D motherboard.

Admittedly, this board isn't the biggest, baddest, fastest thing out there. In fact, it comes to the table without all the fancy doodads that most of us have come to expect out of a motherboard. There is no official support for the 133MHz FSB, or even ATA-133, for that matter. There is also no official support for memory over PC2100, or RAID, or USB 2.0. You're probably asking yourself. what the heck am I reviewing it for then, right? Well, the fact of the matter is. sometimes, you don't want all that stuff. Whether you're building a box for your significant other, or for your little brother or sister (so they'll keep their grubby hands off your tricked-out gaming box), or whomever. sometimes, you just want a nice, stable - but fast - motherboard that won't force you to sell your little brother or sister into slavery to afford it.
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