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Bjorn3D look at the Kingston HyperX TC DDR3 2000 (KHX1600D3ULT1K3/6GX).

Since the first kit of HyperX running at 2 GHz hit the market Kingston has been raising the bar and fielding kits of Core i7 capable low voltage RAM in every speed, variety, and latency. Now we present you Kingston's crowning achievement, the 6 GB kit of HyperX DDR3 TC 2GHz low latency with the new T1 heat spreader, They've raised the bar again. We have to say, not only do we like the speed, but the heat spreader is just bling. Unlike a lot of bling, it's highly functional bling.
Kingston HyperX TC DDR3 2000 (KHX1600D3ULT1K3/6GX) Review