Software 42993 Published by

LCleaner is a FREE tool to easily free up disk space from temporary, unwanted files, and clean system registry from unneeded registry keys. It is absolutely free and does not contain adware or spyware functions.
LCleaner is very easy to use just select the items you would like to clean and then press the Clean Selected button.

LCleaner can clear system temporary files, user temporary files, Windows log files, Windows memory dump files, recycle bin, recent documents list, run list MRU, common dialogs MRU, typed URLs and more.
LCleaner has a fast search engine based on LUA scripts. Functionality can be extended with your own scripts. LUA is an easy scripting language, just take a look on example script, or scripts in scripts folder inside LCleaner folder. In On-Line Help section you can find all the information you need to start write your own scripts.


- Delete System Temporary, User Temporary files
- Delete Windows Logs, Memory Dump, Prefetch files
- Clean Google Toolbar search history
- Clean Internet Explorer typed URLs
- Clean Common dialog MRUs, Run history, Recent documents history
- CleanMap Network drive MRUs
- Write your own scripts using LUA scripting language, to clear specific items
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win All | Size: 261 Kb]
