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Techwarelabs has completed a review on the Lite-On 48x24x48x cd-burner.

Faster writing was the focus of the major CD-RW companies in a viscious and fast race to the bottom (or to the top) of the burning industry. The 24x was the top of the line just last year. Since then, we have seen drive speeds skyrocket from 24x to 32x to 40x and now up to 48x. At some point, however, a thirty second time difference is not enough of an impetus to get those with 40x writers to upgrade, especially considering that most users only use their CD writers occaisionally after the thrill of fast burning wears off. There is one facet of the CD-RW industry, though, that is not yet tapped: rewriting. Lite-On has come out with a new CD-RW that is finally increasing the speed of what should come to be the new, larger, and faster floppy. Enter Lite-On's new LTR-48246S 48x24x48 CD-RW drive.
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