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nV News takes a look at the Logisys KB606SL Illuminated Keyboard today

Illuminated keyboards have been on the market for a while, though most have yet to gain wide acceptance. The first generation of these input devices, while very cool looking, had some pretty serious flaws including but not limited to: Non-standard key layouts, the inability to turn off the backlighting, cost and lack of a height adjustment. All of these deficiencies are what have kept me from abandoning my trusty $6 IBM Active Response keyboard.

When Saitek released its PC Gaming Keyboard I decided to give it a try. Sadly, I had to return it because it was too long to fit on my desk. Then one day, I was browsing some hardware e-tailers and I came upon a few different illuminated keyboards from Logisys. I hadn't heard of this company before, but in the reviews I was able to find, it seemed as if their products were of good quality while being reasonably priced.
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