Drivers 2932 Published by

Logitech has released a new version of their iTouch software. Thanks Martin.

This release includes an encryption feature for the Cordless Freedom:tm: Optical and Cordless Freedom:tm: iTouch:tm: keyboards only.

Multimedia keys support Creative Labs:registered: Player versions 1.5 and 2.x, WinDVD, Power DVD, Windows:registered: Media Player 7, RealJukebox:tm:, RealPlayer:registered: 7 Basic, RealPlayer:registered: G2, RealPlayer Plus:tm: G2, MusicMatch:tm: 4.x, LiquidAudio v4.x/5, Windows98SE:registered: DVD player.

The iTouch software uses a CHM-based Help file and Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher must be installed to view the Help file correctly. If you are using a release prior to 4.01, please upgrade your version of Internet Explorer from the Microsoft web site.

Release Notes
Now supports Windows XP
Fixes Secure Mode Wizard popping up after each reboot
Fixes incorrect number of tabs in the iTouch Configuration