Software 42993 Published by

LoseThos 6.01 has been released

LoseThos is a supplemental operating system because you'll want to dual boot with another operating system, since you can't access the Internet and because it's not really suited for usage other than screwing around writing programs. It's really good for that, though -- lots of
fun. It's very modern except for graphics, being 64-bit and multi-cored. It does not depend on other code for anything. You can put it as the sole operating system on a computer and disconnect the network. For those of you with fierce operating system cult loyalty, relax, it's
not a zero sum game. I promise it will never have networking or run in any mode besides 640x480 16 color. It competes for mind-share, that's about it. It's a less-is-more situation, to some extent.

LoseThos is simple. It runs on a standard 64-bit PC, nothing exotic, and compiles and runs native x86_64 code -- no byte code or interpreter, anywhere. Nervous about no memory protections? You'd be shocked if you knew how many embedded devices operate just fine with no protections. Don't write programs that malfunction. At the worst, you reboot. Takes 2 seconds plus BIOS start-up time.

[License: Freeware| Requires: Win All | Size: 5.41 MB]