Drivers 2933 Published by

Matrox has released Windows 2000/XP beta drivers for the Matrox Parhelia 128 MB. Thanks Phil.

Notes and known issues:
- This is a BETA driver release for Matrox Parhelia 128 MB boards only.
- Please note that this beta driver is a preview to the new video related features supported by the 1.02 driver. It is intended for use with video workstations ONLY. The driver has not been validated for 3D workstation applications and 3D games, and is therefore not recommended for such usage scenarios. As the driver is beta, it is not supported by Matrox and is to be used at your own risk.
- Before downloading this driver, please read the release notes.
- The Matrox Reef demo will not work in conjunction with this driver.
(upgrade available in the utilities & patches section)
- Please uninstall your current drivers using Microsoft Add/Remove Programs before installing the new drivers.
- Basic Connection Setup for Parhelia cables (PDF - 466 KB)