Drivers 2940 Published by

Thanks Hal9000. Matrox has released Powerdesk V. 5.82.018 drivers for Windows 2000 and XP, supporting these products: Millennium, Mystique/220, Millennium II, G100, G200, G400, G450, G550

Main Fixes
- NASCAR 4 will not close when exiting the game.
- Running the configuration from the NASCAR 4 graphics menu will get no response.
- Texture problems in Flight Sim 2002
- Real Media is garbled on the tv screen.
- When using 2 digital flat panels at 1280x1024 and above, you will be max'd at 1280x960 (G550 dual dvi board only)
- AGP not available in XP. (G200 only)
- triangular shapes coming from the back of tanks in Ghost recon.
- Winamp and ICQ will close if they are loaded in the systray and you use multidesk.
- BSOD when playing real media via dvdmax.
- Medal of Honor Allied Assault performance
- Maya fatal error
