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Ripnet-UK has posted a review on Max Payne 2

On a cold Boxing Day morning, I dragged myself out of bed, threw myself into the shower and clambered onto the northern line in order to tackle the sales. Armed with a pile of vouchers and money, I headed straight for Selfridge's. I passed the huge queue of excited women - and their less excited partners - waiting to get into the Gucci sales and after convincing the security guard that I did not intend to buy myself a handbag I was allowed to enter shopper's heaven. A few bits and bobs picked up along the way, and I had some money left over. So, instead of investing it and making millions, I went down to the entertainment section. Suddenly, memories flooded back: Mona, Max, V, Bullet time. Max Payne 2 was straight in front of me...
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