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A new version of the Maxthon browser is available

Maxthon Browser is a powerful tabbed browser built for all users. Besides basic browsing functionality, Maxthon Browser provides a rich set of features to improve your surfing experience. It can open multiple Web pages in just one window.

And it only takes a little system resources when surfing with the integrated user interface. It also supports special plug-ins and IE extensions to let you have an enjoyable surfing experience.


Online Favorites Service: Access your Favorites content anywhere with Maxthon Online Favorites Service. The encrypted stand-alone Favorites file format can protect your privacy on a shared computer.
Tabbed Browsing: All the web pages are arranged as tabs inside main window to ease your navigation.
Mouse GesturesFHold right mouse button and perform the gestures to access common features such as Back, Forward, Refresh and Close Tab.
Super Dragamp;Drop: Type the keywords in Address Bar then press Enter to perform a search. Or simply drag amp; drop a keyword with your mouse.
Ad Hunter: Ad Hunter can efficiently clean up the web pages by stopping Popup Windows and removing Ad Content Blocks.
Fully Customizable: Plugins. Skins. Filter Packs. Multi-language
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7 | Size: 16.5 MB]