Microsoft Corp. today announced pricing and availability for two new levels of subscription services to the MSDN
developer program that will provide its most important customers -- developers -- with the information and software they need to successfully build XML Web services and applications. Now every level of Microsoft
Visual Studio
.NET has a corresponding level of MSDN subscriptions, providing developers with a clear path from the tools to the services that will make them successful.
MSDN now offers five subscription levels, each tailored to suit the varying needs of professional developers. Through the priority access feature, subscribers to MSDN will continue to be the first to receive the latest Microsoft products, such as Visual Studio .NET, server and operating system technologies and product information. Subscribers to the new Operating Systems level and above received the highly anticipated Microsoft Windows
XP operating system on Sept. 24, more than a month before its scheduled Oct. 25 availability in retail stores.
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MSDN now offers five subscription levels, each tailored to suit the varying needs of professional developers. Through the priority access feature, subscribers to MSDN will continue to be the first to receive the latest Microsoft products, such as Visual Studio .NET, server and operating system technologies and product information. Subscribers to the new Operating Systems level and above received the highly anticipated Microsoft Windows

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