Reviews 52211 Published by take a closer look at Microsoft AntiSpyware (Beta 1)

Microsoft may really have a winner here. Most definitely due to their own previous lackadaisical approach to security issues with Windows, and even more obvious, Internet Explorer. This is one program that should be considered in your arsenal to combat the current epidemic of Spyware that is going around for Windows based Computers. Although this is a public beta, I had no problems with stability on XP Pro SP1 myself. Since the AntiSpyware program was pretty well established and mature before M$ purchasing it, not that much work was done under the hood. Unless you count making it NOT compatible with 9x core Windows as it was previously with Giant. And actually, upon further research, a couple things are missing. Such as Inoculation that would block bad sites from being viewed, and there is no file shredding tool. While that may not be a big deal to some, some people want files destroyed so you can't get them back.
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