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TIME magazine has released its annual list of what it considered to be 100 most influential people in the world in 2015, and one of them happens to be Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella.

From Windows Central:
Nadella's entry on the list is written by Aaron Levie, the CEO of the business-themed cloud storage company Box. He believes that Nadella, who was named as CEO of Microsoft in February 2014, is "setting Microsoft up for greatness again." Levie says:

"In his short but impactful tenure, he has focused on driving openness where Microsoft was once closed, even when it has meant supporting competing services in the process. Changes that once would have been considered blasphemous—releasing open-source software, building on iOS and Android and even making Windows free in some cases—are turning Microsoft around. Satya is basically the star of one of those teen movies where the parents go out of town and the kid takes control of the place. And it's been great."
  Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is one of TIME's 100 most influential people for 2015