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Microsoft may try to revive support for Hyper-V in OpenStack as the community considers removing the code -- which one OpenStack developer called broken and unmaintained -- from the stack.

From PCWorld:
"Microsoft is committed to working with the community to resolve the current issues with Hyper-V and OpenStack," Microsoft said in a statement.

That comment followed a suggestion on an OpenStack news group by Thierry Carrez, a developer handling release management for OpenStack, that the code supporting Hyper-V be removed from the version of OpenStack Compute currently being developed. In a newsgroup item titled "Essex dead wood cutting," he included Hyper-V among just two items that could be removed from Essex, the version of OpenStack Compute scheduled for release in the second quarter. He called the Hyper-V code "known broken and unmaintained."
  Microsoft 'committed' to Hyper-V OpenStack Support