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Microsoft has released the Visual Studio 2013 Professional SDK to DreamSpark subscribers, allowing students who have signed up to use the service full access to the new tools for free

From Neowin:
Microsoft launched Visual Studio 2013 to the general public in mid-October but decided to keep the software development tools away from its student oriented DreamSpark subscription service. Friday, that changed as Microsoft is now offering the Visual Studio 2013 Professional SDK on DreamSpark.

The release means that the students who have signed up to use the service can download the full version of Visual Studio 2013 for free. In addition, DreamSpark users can download the version of Visual Studio Express 2013 made for Windows along with the web-based port. This follows the release of Windows 8.1 Pro which was offered via DreamSpark in September.
  Microsoft offers Visual Studio 2013 to DreamSpark subscribers