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Patent-holding company's biggest win, against Apple, was tossed out in September.

From ArsTechnica:
VirnetX is a patent-holding company that won $200 million from Microsoft following a 2010 trial and then sued Microsoft again in 2013. The second lawsuit (PDF) asserted six patents that were said to cover Skype and other Microsoft products that integrated Skype.

Now that second case has been laid to rest as well, with Microsoft agreeing to pay a $23 million settlement. "We are pleased to have come to an agreement with Microsoft Corporation and put all our legal disputes behind us," VirnetX CEO Kendall Larsen said in a statement on the deal. A Microsoft spokesperson said the company was pleased with the settlement and noted that it includes a license to VirnetX's entire patent portfolio.
  Microsoft pays VirnetX $23M to end patent case