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Microsoft said on Thursday that it refuses to endorse WebGL from a security perspective. The strong words came directly from Microsofts own security research and defines team.

From WinRumors:
Microsoft believes that WebGL will become an “ongoing source of hard-to-fix vulnerabilities” in its current form. The software maker says that, in its current form, “WebGL is not a technology Microsoft can endorse from a security perspective.” The company recognises the need to provide solutions for WebGL but says that its goal is that such solutions are “secure by design, secure by default, and secure in deployment.”

WebGL (Web-based Graphics Library) is a new software library that extends JavaScript to allow 3D interactive graphics within any compatible browser. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and upcoming versions of Safari and Opera all support WebGL. The software library is managed by non-profit technology consortium Khronos Group.
  Microsoft refuses to endorse WebGL, labels it harmful