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A member of Microsoft's 343 Industries game development team has announced that recent invites for a beta test of the upcoming Xbox 360 first person shooter Halo 4 are fakes.

From Neowin:
Microsoft, via the Twitter page of 343 Industries' developer David Ellis, is putting their foot down, telling gamers that those invites are not what they seem. Ellis' Twitter page stated earlier this week, "If you see a page claiming to allow you to sign up for a Halo 4 beta be advised, IT'S A FAKE." The Twitter page also has an amusing YouTube video link to prove that point.

Microsoft has yet to officially announce any sort of Halo 4 beta test. That doesn't mean that the company won't have a beta for Halo 4 at some point. Some of the previous games in the Halo series have had multiplayer betas for the Xbox 360. You can bet that when Microsoft does make such a beta announcement, it will be all over the Internet (and posted here at Neowin).
  Microsoft says Halo 4 beta invites are fakes