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Microsoft has released Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services (SQL Server Express) is a new, free, easy-to-use version of SQL Server Express that includes a new graphical management tool and powerful features for reporting and advanced text-based searches. SQL Server Express provides powerful and reliable data management tools and rich features, data protection, and fast performance. It is ideal for embedded application clients, light Web applications, and local data stores.

SQL Server Express with Advanced Services has all of the features in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, plus you can:

Easily manage and administer SQL Server Express with a new easy-to-use graphical management tool -- SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express (SSMSE).

Issue full-text queries against plain character-based data in SQL Server tables. Full-text queries can include words and phrases, or multiple forms of a word or phrase.

Run SQL Server Reporting Services reports on local relational data.

Free to download, free to deploy, and free to redistribute as an embedded part of an application, SQL Server Express with Advanced Services is the fast and easy way to develop and manage data-driven applications with powerful built-in reporting and full-text search functionality.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services