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Nostalgic revamp shows power of games built for Web standards

From ArsTechnica:
Microsoft is using a bit of Windows-95-era nostalgia to try to once again convince Web users and developers that gaming inside of a browser can be performance-competitive with native applications. The company today released a browser-based update to Hover, the hovercraft capture-the-flag game that was hidden in the "Fun Stuff" folder included on the original Windows 95 CDs (along with videos for Weezer's "Buddy Holly" and the trailer for the movie Rob Roy).

The new game plays almost exactly like the classic freebie that has maintained something of a cult following among players to this day, with stages that match the original right down to wall and item placement. New features include a selection of four different hovercraft, each with different movement and strength statistics, and an online multiplayer mode that allows up to eight people to compete by passing around a standard URL.
  Microsoft touts browser gaming with Web-based relaunch of Win95's Hover