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Using the Xbox One's Kinect for voice commands is still pretty hit-or-miss for many, and Microsoft knows it

From Engadget:
Using the Xbox One's Kinect for voice commands is still pretty hit-or-miss for many, and Microsoft knows it. With the console's next update, Redmond is adding an option for speech data collection as a way to crowdsource the sensor's improvement. Writing on his blog, Xbox's Major Nelson says that the more voice samples the company has to add to its algorithms, the more accurate the console can be. If you aren't keen on the company collecting samples of your voice (which is entirely understandable!), it's an entirely opt-in process. Should you want to help out, however, all you need to do is dip into the console's privacy settings and enable it. This isn't the first time that Microsoft has done such, though -- a similar function was in place on the Xbox 360 as well.
  Microsoft wants you to help improve Kinect 2.0s voice recognition