Microsoft 11814 Published by

Microsoft says SQL Server 2016 is now available, promising an "unmatched value proposition" that delivers superior security and performance to Oracle "at less than one-tenth of the total cost".

From Neowin:
Microsoft has announced that SQL Server 2016, the latest version of its database management system, is now generally available.

The company says that SQL Server 2016 is "the first born-in-the-cloud database", as well as being "the world's fastest and most price-performant database for HTAP (Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing)". Microsoft also claims that its new suite "seamlessly manages both relational and beyond relational (JSON, XML, Hadoop) data, seamlessly integrates structured data with Hadoop data, and seamlessly integrates on-premises data with cloud data".
  Microsoft's SQL Server 2016 is now generally available