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First off, let me explain to you the focus of this article. We are going to cover the technology of the GeForce3 in some down-to-earth conversation. Some of the information is going to be pretty straightforward and some of it is going to be very new to you. In explaining the GeForce3´s new feature sets, it is NOT our goal to be 100% technically accurate. Our goal is to help you understand what these new features will actually mean to you. If you have never educated yourself about Vid Cards, much of this will be over your head, but if you have a general idea or working knowledge of Vid Cards, this should be right up your alley. If you are a newbie, this is probably as good of a starting place as any though, so don´t be discouraged, just dig in. All of the information here was supplied to us directly by NVIDIA, and does have some PR spin in it. Nevertheless, it is still VERY educational as to the fact about the technology. With that said, let´s get on with some gettin´ on.
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NVIDIA has announced their next generation top-of-the-line video board, the GeForce3. This is possibly the most anticipated chip in quite some time. I haven't been this excited since the release of the GeForce 256. I've had the pleasure of once again, returning to NVIDIA along with some other friends. I got a chance to see the GeForce3 up close and watch what NVIDIA has been doing over the past couple of months.
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Hardware Central
With the release of the GeForce3, NVIDIA seems to be ringing the developer dinner bell quite loudly. The ability to use the nfiniteFX Engine to program vertex and pixel shaders gives developers the tools to create custom effects and help differentiate their products from the rest of pack. Best of all, the GeForce3 is tied directly to the DirectX 8 API, something that developers will be making use of anyway. This should translate into a high adoption rate of the new DirectX 8 specification, and in turn reap high rewards for the DX8-compliant GeForce3.
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