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TweakTown has posted a review on the MSI 649D Pro AR Dual FC-PGA motherboard.

MSI, for all of you who don´t know them too well have been in the motherboard and computer industry for about 10 years now making motherboards for OEM´s and other small computer dealerships. MSI motherboards are normally quite cheap, very reliable but not one for the super hardcore overclockers but this image has changed lately with the introduction of their new line of motherboards. MSI K7T Pro 2, MSI i815E Pro and some of the good old BX motherboards. MSI has not been one to make many dual CPU ready motherboards, as they do not sell many boards to companies that make server systems. MSI´s first Dual CPU motherboard was the MSI 6120 based on the trusty old BX chipset and supporting Dual Slot 1 connectors, this is ok for its time but now a days we demand more power, greater flexibility and compatibility. This board was quite a good board for its time but with the SCSI controller built in it really required you to have a big budget. MSI took a good look at the market of late and must have realized that hardcore gamers and 3D freaks tend to use dual CPU systems, Dual Celeron´s and those who can afford it, Dual Pentium 3 Coppermines. After months of working out a layout with all the features that make a good motherboard a good motherboard and a chipset that can support these 2 CPU´s MSI have come out with the MSI 649D Pro AR.
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